
In Progress

Side Show Freaks & Circus Injuns co-written by Monique Mojica and LeAnne Howe


“From 1840 until 1940, freak shows by the hundreds crisscrossed the United States, from the smallest towns to the largest cities, exhibiting their casts of dwarfs, giants, Siamese twins, bearded ladies, savages, snake charmers, fire eaters, and other oddities. By today’s standards such displays would be considered cruel and exploitative — the pornography of disability.”

Robert Bogdan, Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit
(University of Chicago Press 1988

In Repertoire

Chocolate Woman Dreams The Milky Way

Chocolate Woman Dreams The Milky Way

Chocolate Woman Dreams the Milky Way written and performed by Toronto actor/playwright Monique Mojica and performed with Gloria Miguel of New York’s Spiderwoman Theater is directed by renowned Guna theatre artist José Á. Colman.